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Did you register your treasure for the Green Grand Prix 2023 yet?

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Heidi Peters, maandag 29 mei 2023
234 sec

Stichting GrootGroenPlus opts for sustainable presentations

'Trade fair GrootGroenPlus is supported by the trade itself. The board consists of members who are active in the industry or related to it.' Says David Bömer, chairman of Stichting GrootGroenPlus. 'We want to offer every participant, who is often a colleague of ours, a very good spot, which will make them happy.' The 33rd edition of the trade fair includes the second round of the Green Grand Prix, and it will also move to a new location in Zundert.

Green Grand Prix novelty inspection
Green Grand Prix novelty inspection

From 4 to 6 October, the 33rd edition of GrootGroenPlus, the international trade fair for the tree nursery industry, will be organised. Chairman David Bömer: "We are a platform concerned with plant product promotion. The trade fair hasn't been set up for itself, but to bring visitors and participants together. We feel that for our participants, GrootGroenPlus isn't a three-day event, it is year-round. Information should be easy to find for interested parties, and participants should feel that their registration for the trade fair offers them benefits throughout the year.

Long-term investment needs to get more attention

GrootGroenPlus has been set up from the industry, and the major part of members of the board consist of people from the tree nursery industry. People who have a feeling for what is happening within the companies and the market. "Together, we make sure that the entire range of products and services within the industry can be visited at GrootGroenPlus, which makes us a very wide and complete trade fair." The full range can be found there." With the year-round advantage of registration, Bömer is also referring to the various possibilities offered by the organisation to highlight innovations. The qualification for 'new' is widely applied. "The plant novelty inspection has always been one of the most impressive aspects. However, we felt that we would be able to take a next step, which is why in 2022, we started with the Green Grand Prix. This year, we will further expand on this and present an innovative and dynamic inspection method. A new product requires a significant investment from a grower. The introduction entails development and cultivation costs and it takes a number of years before the novelty actually hits the market. If you have only one moment to put this product on a pedestal, which is the regular novelty inspection, we feel that this doesn't do justice to the investment. That's why we added the Green Grand Prix to last year's novelty inspection. If someone has worked on developing a plant for over ten years, it deserves more attention than it gets on the three days during the trade fair. This year we are taking the next step."

David Bömer

New is not the same as news

"We have been looking for a means that offers the opportunity to bring the news of last year or the year before in the spotlight again. That is why we have a wide range for the label 'new' with the Green Grand Prix. Participants in the Green Grand Prix can submit a plant for inspection. These are assessed and standardised by expert assessors. This helps to create a new PR moment, and that is what we want for our participants; helping them get a return on their years of investing. With some innovations, for example standard trees, it might take up to 15 years until a novelty is regarded as an improvement. We feel that this makes it very legitimate to put this novelty in the spotlight for a few years. The Green Grand Prix offers growers that possibility. In doing so, we also want to create a different way of presenting, in which the distribution of attention is balanced and sustainable. What I mean to say is that the best product also gets more attention. And then again, over a number of years. Because is the best product of this year also better than last year's best product? You don't have to come up with something new every time, some products can be called best plant for years. We want to prevent an inspection moment from being short-cycle."
Starting 1 May, the growers can register their new products for multiple inspections, including the Green Grand Prix.


Twice a year, Stichting GrootGroenplus and Uitgeverij de Bode publish the KwekersBode. This can be read online in two languages, and a paper version is distributed among 56,000 addresses. During the trade fair, a catalogue is published in cooperation with Boom in Business. "Everything the tree nursery industry and related businesses are working on, should be visible", says Bömer. "GrootGroenPlus is making every effort to achieve this, which is part of our goal; to make the products from our sector visible." The board deliberately does not opt for lectures during the trade fair in the programming. "Our publications are very suitable to transfer some knowledge. At trade fairs, very good speakers often don't really look their best. In addition, the best lectures take place in the stands, between producer or supplier and the visitor."

Dynamic & Digital

Like every edition, the trade fair of 2023 also has a theme: Dynamic & Digital "With a theme you try to attract and stimulate participants in a positive way. You're trying to get them to accentuate the theme. Show us how you apply the possibilities in your company? How do we transfer our information as well as possible to, for example, the gardening industry? When the gardener feels seen in the way the tree grower presents or labels his products, a connection is created. And we all know that connection is what a trade fair is all about. We think that the theme will lead to at least some of the participants taking a critical look at their own website and product presentation, for example."

Relocation to BCT

GrootGroenPlus is moving to Business Centre Treeport this year. "A perfect moment to look at the trade fair as a whole. We will continue our success formula with the three routes. Since the roads are all separated, and visitors are able to follow the red, grey, and blue routes, every participant has a similar chance of meeting the visitors. And conversely, all visitors who follow the routes completely have the certainty that they have seen everything. This is also part of the visibility we offer," says Bömer.

'This year, we will present an innovative and dynamic inspection method'
"The most important thing is the transfer of knowledge. You want to transfer the knowledge from the producer to the next user. The power of repetition of that message is what we are trying to accomplish. When you continuously promote a product, the message of the producer is repeated again and again and thus more powerful. We provide the participants with the best possible service and, according to the feedback, we are doing quite well."

Trade Fair GrootGroenPlus will be held from 4 to 6 October 2023. Participants and non-participants can register their entries for the Green Grand Prix and the novelty inspection using the form on the website or via info@grootgroenplus.nl.

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